
育種家花園 (Rose Breeder's Garden) 台灣.許古意 (Mr. Xu Guyi)

Mr. Xu Guyi founded FangXiang Rose Garden at the age of 30. Deeply attracted by the flowers’ beauty and ability to repeat flower, he started breeding roses. He also collected many new varieties by the Yuanlin Rose Promotion Center.
In addition to the naming, launch, and sale of early new varieties, Mr. Xu gradually developed his own breeding parent and later introduced the Generation Beauty (2005), Shin Hoshi (2008), and Shin San (2008) varieties. FangXiang Rose Garden now plays an important role in Taiwan’s purple rose market.
Breeding roses is a difficult undertaking that requires much time and effort. FangXiang Rose Garden is dedicated to breeding varieties that are well adapted to Taiwan’s climate and should put forth beautiful blooms in summer.