
育種家花園 (Rose Breeder's Garden) 日本.木村卓功 (Takunori Kimura)

出身於從江戶時代(約400年前)開始就世代從農的農家中。小學一年級開始幫忙家業的玫瑰切花栽培。19歲時,拜訪歐洲許多著名育種家,進行研修,返日後,成立玫瑰販賣部門,並開始了玫瑰的育種。25歲時發表第一個品種「新綠」。 2013年創立玫瑰品牌「 Rosa Orientis」。
Takunori Kimura is a rose breeder and the operator of baranoie (バラの家), a professional rose nursery in Saitama, Japan.
Kimura is a 19th-generation farmer. Entering farming at the age of 19, Kimura set up the garden rose department and began breeding roses. He introduced his first rose cultivar Wakana (わかな) when he was 25. In 2013, he founded his own brand named, "Rosa Orientis".
Kimura strives to breed hardy roses that will thrive in hot and humid Asian climates and bloom all year round. Of late, he has introduced new cultivars to Japan every year. His roses have won several awards in Japan and other countries.
In 2014, Rosa Orientis was officially marketed in Taiwan under the Chinese name 羅莎歐麗. In 2019, more attractive roses with better disease resistance were introduced under the sub-brand “Rosa Orientis Progressio”. Kimura’s roses can be purchased in Japan and Taiwan and also in France, China, Italy, Thailand, and the Netherlands.